Thursday, 6 February 2014

Snack time!

Personally, I've always been a fan of carrots and peanut butter - though most people find that gross. After I cut peanut butter out of my diet (peanuts can often be contaminated with a very dangerous carcinogen called aflatoxin), I turned to all other nut butters. My two favorites are almond and cashew.

In the picture shown is my on-the-go bowl of apple and carrots, plus a side container of cashew butter to dip them in. I eat some variation of this almost everyday. It fills me up and is the perfect snack.

This snack is ideal for people who have a hard time eating fruits and veggies on their own. Dips (unless homemade and sugar-free) are essentially chemical waste (that may be a tad dramatic).

I dare you to try this! It's so good if I didn't get full I could eat the whole bag of carrots!

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Health 101: Lemon and Chia Seeds

I've been slacking with this new blog. I've gotta make this a new habit among a million other things as I try to revamp my entire life.

Here are some easy, important things to keep you healthy!:

1. Drink as much water as you can! I try to do this everyday but realize it can be hard when working/on the go. I invested in an (very) expensive glass water bottle, but i absolutely love it! I take water bottles with me everywhere so that I always have water. Drink at least a full glass right when you wake up, your body has just gone (hopefully) 8 hours without water and needs it. Start the day off right!

2. Add lemon to your water. Lemon helps detoxify the body and is actually alkalizing, though considered by most an acidic food. Western diets are filled with acidic foods like grains, meats, and dairy. It's important to eat alkalizing foods to balance out our bodies pH levels.

3. Eat superfoods! My current go to is Chia seeds, though I've been eating them for awhile I wanted to increase my intake. I've started making Chia "pudding". I pour unsweetened almond milk in a jar and then stir in Chia seeds (as many as you want!) cover, and let sit in the fridge over night. In the morning the chia seeds have absorbed some of the milk and now have a gel around them, creating a pudding like texture to the almond milk. I top this with frozen fruit and have it for breakfast (I'll take a picture next time I have it). Chia seeds are full of omega-3s, protein, and antioxidants! Since they absorb liquid they also make you feel fuller.