Thursday, 23 January 2014

Current Status

Currently I'm still quite unhealthy, though I've got all the knowledge needed to change that. I've been reading a lot and watched a few documentaries. The book that really pushed me to start the process of change was "Clean" by Dr. Alejandro Junger. I recommended it to say the least.

So here's where I'm at right now: I still eat way too much sugar, and grains. I'm a vegetarian and have been fully dedicated to that lifestyle for two years. I'm a vegetarian for a whole array of reasons, but mostly ecological ones. I'm concerned about the impact our current method of raising/slaughtering animals is doing to our environment (as well as the people working in those industries and of course, the animals themselves). I also have zero desire to eat a slab of meat filled with hormones and antibiotics. Though I realize there are other options out there.

As I make drastic changes to my diet and monitor how I'm feeling my vegetarian status may change. If I decide to go totally grain-free I plan on re-introducing (wild caught) fish into my diet.

I try to eat raw vegetables, and organic as much as possible. I've purged fast-foods and pasta as of recently and plan to stick to not eating either of those ever again. I no longer drink milk or juice, rarely consume alcohol and can say no to juice any day (except fresh ones I make myself).

I know that giving up cheese, sugar, and grains is going to be my greatest challenge, as goes for most people.

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